Didn't Camus ponder upon suicide as ultimate philosophy? Rejection of freedom, really? Umm, may be it is the ultimate freedom..
To quote Akutagawa before his suicide," The world I am now in is one of diseased nerves, lucid as ice. Such voluntary death must give us peace, if not happiness. Now that I am ready, I find nature more beautiful than ever, paradoxical as this may sound. I have seen, loved, and understood more than others. In this at least I have a measure of satisfaction, despite all the pain I have thus far had to endure."
The talented Mr. Zweig, the inspiration for the famous " Grand Budapest Hotel", left behind a lovely farewell letter in neat cursive, "I thus prefer to end my life at the right time, upright, as a man for whom cultural work has always been his purest happiness and personal freedom — the most precious of possessions on this earth." (What a culturally sumptuous death, quite like his works). Ugh,but what if even after giving up on life you are caught in limbo, just as while you are alive.... wouldn't be worth the effort then.. Such a joke, life and death and everything. As for me.. umm, i suppose i'm just as lazy to die as i'm to live :D doesn't matter either way. So when everything's a joke, i better laugh with all my heart, and the lack of it.
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